Statutory Examination


Work Permit Application

Male: examination, blood tests, urine test, and Chest X-ray: $80

Female (above and urine pregnancy test): $85

Work Permit Renewal

#1 HIV and Chest X-ray: $60

#2 Chest X-ray only: $40

#3 HIV only: $40

Domestic Maid Check-up (6 Monthly)

Urine pregnancy test and VDRL: $30

Urine pregnancy test, VDRL and HIV: $45

Urine pregnancy test, VDRL, HIV and Chest X-ray: $60

PR, S, E and Social Visit Pass Application

PR and student pass: examination, HIV and Chest X-ray: $60

S and E passes: examination, HIV and Chest X-ray: $60

Social visit pass: HIV and Chest X-ray: $60

Land Transport Authority Licences

#1 examination and visual acuity test: $30

#2 examination, visual acuity test and Chest X-ray: $60

#3 examination, visual acuity test and abbreviated mental test: $30

Pre-Employment Screening

General: examination, visual acuity test, urine sugar, albumin: $35

Security guard > 50 years old: examination and ECG: $60

Radiation worker: examination and FBC: $50

School Health Screening

Outward bound school: examination only (add $50 for tetanus jab): $25

University enrolment: examination, visual acuity, urine dipstick, FBC, CXR: $60

Add-On Tests

ECG: $40 | CXR: $40 | HIV: $20 | VDRL: $15 | UC9: $10 | UC2: $5  | UPT: $10 | Hb: $10

Updated as of 1 August 2019

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